A young couple’s life experienced a completely unanticipated occurrence in 2015.
The couple was expecting a second child and had a daughter who was already growing up in the family when they found out they were having… quintuplets!
The doctors themselves were incredibly surprised.
After all, with a natural conception, the probability of this happening is 1 in 85 million!
And yet, it happened.
The woman was immediately offered to remove several embryos so that the others could develop more safely, but she refused.
Over time, three sons and two daughters were born.
Even more surprising, among the little ones, there were two pairs of identical twins!
Unfortunately, Sergey could not resist the surprisingly great fatherhood that suddenly fell on him.
After a few months, the man left the family.
Now the young woman could only count on the help of her mother.
However, the woman did not allow herself to “limp”, because her many little ones needed her.
Later, caring people, having learned about the story, created an online fund to help the family.
It was a very timely help for a selfless mother.
Today, the little ones have already noticeably grown up, and the hassle with them has slightly decreased
And the young woman during this time created her own blog, which managed to gain more than 200,000 subscribers who follow the life of a mother and her little ones with interest.